Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Battle of 2011 already won...

There is simply zero comparison.

beats the living crap out of

The new Feelies record leaked this week, and with the knowledge that my preorder direct from the band's record label store is going mostly to the band (as opposed to via Amazon), I downloaded. And loved immediately. It's nearly everything the R.E.M. record isn't (though I'm not comparing lyrics; nobody ever placed Glenn Mercer on the esteemed lyricist pantheon like some would with a certain J.M. Stipe).

So hither ye asap to the Bar/None Records online store and buy this!


  1. I heard the new Feelies album at a record store in Cincinnati two weeks ago, and in short, I second your emotion. Welcome back!

  2. Haven't heard the Feelies but the new REM is dreadful. I am an unabashed REM fan. I am a fan of "Up" which most people dislike. I have never quit loving them, even after BB went to the farm but this album is a big swing and a miss. "Every Day Is Yours To Win" is one of the worst examples of lyrics Stipe has ever written. Glad they aren't touring for this album because I don't want to listen to most of these songs ever again.
